20 stories tagged 'GERMANY'


Learning German with Knights and Agents


Learning German with Knights and Agents

At the start of the Easter holiday, employees of Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe visited the Münchner Tafel (Munich Food Bank) for the fourth time. A total of over 800 books were handed out to kids and their parents this year. Picture books were popular with the very youngest; beginning readers were particularly keen to pick up Sven Gerhardt’s MINNA MELONE. As volunteers at Münchner Tafel explained: “We are currently receiving a lot of families who have fled from Ukraine. Children’s books are also great for adults to learn German.” 

This annual project has become an integral part of Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe’s long-standing charitable work to promote reading.


Sponsoring the Queer Media Society



Sponsoring the Queer Media Society

Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe was the main sponsor of the first reception of the Queer Media Society at the 2024 Frankfurt Book Fair. 

Rebecca Prager, Head of Corporate Communications at Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe, spoke at the reception on behalf of Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe and be.queer, the network for LGBTIQ employees and allies at Bertelsmann, emphasizing the importance of the network for togetherness and mutual support as well as for visibility and awareness in the workplace.


Freedom of Expression Week at Mediacampus Frankfurt


Freedom of Expression Week at Mediacampus Frankfurt

During a reading marking the end of “Freedom of Expression Week” at Mediacampus Frankfurt, the school for aspiring booksellers, Penguin author Hasnain Kazim entertained around 130 guests with his clever approach to the issues of hate mail and hate speech. In a post-reading discussion with Rebecca Prager, Head of Corporate Communications at Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe, Kazim shared his experiences with hateful letters from readers and his perspective on freedom of expression and its limits. 


Colorful Stories for Nationwide Read Aloud Day


Colorful Stories for Nationwide Read Aloud Day

Together with readers throughout Germany, Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe celebrated Read Aloud Day under the motto “Reading aloud creates a future.” Around 130 employees participated and held more than 230 reading sessions for over 5,000 children in kindergartens and elementary schools nationwide. Readers also brought nearly 2.000 books and audiobooks as gifts for the students. The campaign was supplemented by online video and livestream offerings. 


Freedom of Expression Week


Freedom of Expression Week

For “Freedom of Expression Week” in May 2022 in Germany, we released a widely-shared video online featuring statements from our authors regarding the importance of freedom of expression. Authors Aslı Erdoğan, Hadija Haruna-Oelker, Wladimir Kaminer, Ute Krause, Salman Rushdie, and Michail Schischkin also shared their perspectives on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. 


be.green Day


be.green Day

In Germany, our environmental team organized a selection of events and campaigns for Penguin Random House parent company Berteslmann’s Content Alliance to discuss water as a resource and habitat. More than 20 colleagues took action and cleared waste from our office building. The Random House Audio team also produced a new climate podcast exploring the connection between human rights and water, alongside experts.


Signing the Healthy Printing Charter


Signing the Healthy Printing Charter

In December 2020, we took a major step forward in sustainable book production in Germany by signing the Healthy Printing Charter. In addition to the consistent avoidance and compensation of CO2 emissions, our teams in Germany commit to the Healthy Printing principle: To ensure that all materials are returned to the cycle and can continue to be used. That means, for example, that paper can be recycled, and the inks or glues used can be removed without leaving any residue, making all materials as compatible as possible for humans and nature. To learn more, click here.


All In


Voicing our continued support of the Paris Agreement, we signed the “All In” climate statement calling for America’s national mobilization on climate action and clean, equitable recovery.

Bringing Read Aloud Day to Homes and Schools in Germany


Bringing Read Aloud Day to Homes and Schools in Germany

In honor of National Read Aloud Day on November 20, 2020, Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe gave more than 1,000 audiobooks and books to schools, kindergartens and children’s daycare centers featuring celebrities, authors and employees, available through the end of the year on the campaign webpage. Rather than in-person visits, children celebrated Read Aloud Day with special book packages personalized with greetings from PRH Verlagsgruppe employees.

“We look forward to being able to meet children face-to-face on Read Aloud Day 2021 again. Reading aloud and telling stories, listening, questions and discussions need closeness. However, we are happy and thankful that we have the technological possibilities to bring stories to homes and classrooms this year,” said Thomas Rathnow, CEO Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe. 

“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and on behalf of the children and teachers at our school for the wonderful books you kindly gave to us. The first children who were able to peek into the book package were absolutely delighted and did not want to stop reading,” said Anika Lürssen, Vice Principal of the catholic primary school St. Mauritius in Cologne.


Climate Neutral

BY 2030

Penguin Random House will be Climate Neutral by 2030.



In 2019, Penguin Random House reconfirmed its 2017 support of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

96% Worldwide


As of 2021, more than 96% of all paper sourced by Penguin Random House worldwide for its books will come from certified mills.

DK's Sustainability Working Party


DK's Sustainability Working Party

DK’s global Sustainability Working Party was created to deliver plans on sustainability as volunteers from our offices around the world meet monthly to create and execute our global strategy. The meetings also act as a forum to discuss ideas that will drive forward sustainability initiatives. We also have local colleague-led Green committees dedicated to encouraging sustainable behaviors among colleagues, including reducing printing and single-use plastic. These committees also participate in local and global events throughout the year to raise awareness about environmental causes, such as Earth Day and World Environment Day.


DK’s Green Pledge


DK’s Green Pledge

At DK, we care deeply about an ethical supply chain and taking positive actions beyond that of a publisher. Our Green Pledge was launched in early 2020 and pulls together all the important work we do to maintain an ethical supply chain, and the positive steps we are planning for the future. Our work is split into four key areas—materials, environment, safety, and sustainable supply chains—and these will continue to be the focus of our efforts. Our Green Pledge acts as an essential framework for our processes, identifying what we have achieved so far in our sustainability goals and what our next steps will be to maintain an ethical supply chain. To learn more about the pledge, click here.


An Anthology for Thought and Reflection


© Verlagsgruppe Random House

An Anthology for Thought and Reflection

We published a collection of works about life in the time of COVID-19 with the “Corona und wir” (Corona and us) anthology. The contributions from the various renowned authors provide food for thought and moments of reflection on what we collectively felt and dealt with in the early months of the pandemic. The proceeds from the anthology will go to Sozialwerk des Deutschen Buchhandels e.V. The charity offers help to bookstores in need and promotes further education for young booksellers.


Nationwide Reading Aloud Day


© Verlagsgruppe Random House

Nationwide Reading Aloud Day

In Germany, the nationwide Reading Aloud Day emphasizes the importance of reading aloud and inspiring children and adults alike through stories. We have been actively involved in the campaign since its inception, making Reading Aloud Day an important part of our commitment to promote reading in our communities. In 2019, we donated nearly 2,000 audiobooks as part of Reading Aloud Day, and around 100 employees and authors went throughout Germany to give away packages filled with books.


World Book Day: “Ich schenk dir eine Geschichte!”


© Stiftung Lesen

World Book Day: “Ich schenk dir eine Geschichte!”

For many years, we have been committed to promoting reading with Stiftung Lesen, a nonprofit organization dedicated to making reading a part of every child’s life. Since 1997, every year on World Book Day, together with Stiftung Lesen, we have published a new title in the book series “Ich schenk dir eine Geschichte” (I Give You a Story) as part of a nationwide book voucher campaign to promote reading. More than 3,500 bookstores regularly take part in the campaign and give this special book as a gift to over one million schoolchildren, making it the largest reading promotion campaign in Germany. To learn more, click here.


Increased Climate Neutral Book Production


Increased Climate Neutral Book Production

In 2020, we are committed to stepping up our climate protection activities and annually increase our climate-neutral book production by 20 percent. Our Munich headquarters has been climate-neutral since 2019; we have reduced our emissions where possible and offset all unavoidable emissions. By the end of 2020, the entirety of book production at all our children’s publishers will be climate-neutral, and our other group publishers will be producing more and more titles in climate-neutral ways, helping us achieve our goal of a 20 percent annual increase in climate-neutral book production across our publishers.


A Special Reading Aloud Day


Colleagues featured: Martina Glöde and Stefanie Beck

A Special Reading Aloud Day

Every November in Germany, millions of people celebrate their love for reading and books by gathering in libraries, schools, and public institutions on Reading Aloud Day. For the 15th anniversary of Reading Aloud Day in 2019, DK welcomed 20 schoolchildren and their teachers into our Munich office, showing them the importance of nonfiction books and publishing. The students, aged 6 to 10 years old, took part in a book quiz, reading activities, and a special tour of the office with an exclusive visit to the Editorial department, where they learned all about how to create a book. The children were also able to vote on their favorite titles and book covers, and DK awarded each student a surprise certificate to mark their day of achievements. Participating in Reading Aloud Day is an important moment in DK Germany’s calendar, as it aligns with our ambition to develop a lifelong love of reading in children.


Employee Book Donations for Our Anniversary


Employee Book Donations for Our Anniversary

Our fifth anniversary as Penguin Random House in July 2018 provided an unprecedented opportunity to unite around the globe to get more books into the hands of more readers. Through a special anniversary global book donation, we offered every Penguin Random House employee worldwide a selection of free books to donate to any philanthropic or nonprofit organization of their choice. Thousands of our employees joined the campaign, and we were able to provide more than 72,000 books to children and adults in need. Recipient organizations included schools, libraries, hospitals, rural development NGOs, and organizations that serve homeless and incarcerated individuals.

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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Environment & Sustainability

Free Expression & Joy of Reading


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